Permits & Licenses
Zoning Permits
Application of Ordinance 682, regarding Short-Term Rental (STR) properties has begun.
This Ordinance was passed in the Spring of 2021 and sets new regulations for the various zoning districts within Town limits. The Town will begin enforcing this new ordinance, both identifying the properties that will be able to offer STRs as well as implementing the inspection and permitting processes.
Please become familiar with the zoning district in which STRs are available to operate in, and to what capacity. Any STRs that do not meet the criteria stipulated in Ordinance 682 will need to cease operations.
Fee: $25
Variances to the provisions and requirements of this chapter shall not be granted except in very extreme cases. The Town Council is authorized to grant variances in order to prevent extreme difficulty or extreme hardships and if the Town Council deems a variance absolutely necessary to the public interest. The Town Council shall not grant a variance if the extreme difficulty or hardship was self-inflicted by the applicant. The Town Council shall not grant variances for other than extreme cases. (Ch. 400-118).
Fee: $500
Conditional Use Permits vary depending on the zone district. However, generally for in C-1, C-2, I-1, and I-2 the conditional use permits are required for animal clinics, animal boarding facilities, animal shelters, gaming establishments, recreational vehicle parks & campgrounds, meat processing facilities, and use of chemicals & hazardous wastes.
For additional development standards, refer to Town Code, §160-22.
Please call the Town at 307-367-4136 to request the conditional use application specific to your development plants.
Fee: $500
Map amendments which seek to change the district boundary lines on the District Zoning Map.
Town Ordinance requires all map amendments to go through the public hearing process (Planning Commission and Tow Council). Estimated time frame assuming complete materials and no major issues, 2 months.
Fee: $500 for each lot created
An application is required for subdivisions of 3 lots or more including planned unit developments, lot splits on previously platted or divided parcels, lot line amendments, and county subdivisions within the 1-mile radius of the Town boundary.
Fee: $500
The Town of Pinedale encourages all properties that are contiguous or close to the Town Boundary to consider annexation prior to going through a county zone change and/or subdivision processes.
Properties are only eligible for annexation if water and sewer service can feasibly be extended to the property. Properties wishing to maintain individual services will not be considered.