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Water & Sewer

General Information

Our priority is to provide safe drinking water and proper sanitary treatment for the Town of Pinedale. Fremont Lake is the source of our drinking water. The water is treated with chlorine and UV treatment for disinfection and soda ash for corrosion control.

Sewer water travels from each customer service location to our treatment facility, which is located near the Town Hall building. The treatment is an advanced integrated lagoon system, which includes anaerobic treatment followed by an aerobic treatment, and UV disinfection prior to discharge into Pine Creek.


The Water and Sewer Department recommends that all homeowners know the location of their water curb stop and sewer clean out to aid in emergency situations.

If you have questions about our water and sewer treatment or would like to schedule a tour of our facilities please contact the Water-Wastewater Supervisor, Spencer Hartman.

As required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), we are happy to present the last 6 years of annual water quality reports.

Annual Water Quality Reports


Spencer Hartman

Water-Wastewater Supervisor

Lab Supervisor




Office: 307-367-4136


Call the Sheriff's office for after hours assistance:



Water Quality Reports


All Fees Effective July 15, 2024.


Temporary shut-off rates shall be 25% of the monthly minimum applicable charge. Temporary shut-off rates may only be requested for a complete billing period from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the following month. There is a $50 fee to initiate the temporary shut-off rates and turn off water service; and a $50 fee to return to normal service and turn water service back on.



Neither our water source (Fremont Lake) nor our distribution system contains lead or copper. Lead may be present in private service lines which were plumbed with lead solder and/or lead containing fittings and fixtures. Lead found in tap water typically comes from corrosion of these older fixtures and from copper pipes containing lead solder.  If the water sits stagnant in these lines for several hours, the lead may leach into the water and potentially become consumed.


The Town of Pinedale has been working with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environmental Quality, and a consulting engineering firm to provide the Town with the optimal corrosion control technique. The Town is now treating the water with soda ash to elevate the pH of the water in order to minimize solubility of lead from service lines into the water.


If you are concerned about lead being in your water, the EPA recommends the following precautions:                                                                         

  • Flush your pipes before drinking: The more time water has been sitting in your home’s pipes, the more lead it may contain.                 

  • Any time water in a particular faucet sits for a period of time, flush the water through before consuming water from that faucet. This could take as little as five to thirty seconds if there has been recent heavy water use such as showering or toilet flushing. Otherwise, it could take two minutes or longer. Your water utility will inform you if longer flushing times are needed to respond to local conditions. 

  • Use only water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Run cold water until it becomes cold as it can get.                 

  • *Note that boiling water will NOT get rid of lead contamination.*

  • Use water filters or treatment devices: Many water filters and water treatment devices are certified by independent organizations for effective lead reduction. Devices that are not designed to remove lead will not work. Verify the claims of manufacturers by checking with independent certifying organizations that provide lists of treatment devices they have certified.




EPA action level for lead is 0.015mg/L and for copper1.3 mg/L.

  • 2002: Action Level Exceedance: Lead & Copper exceeded the 90th percentile lead = 0.017 mg/L and copper = 1.49 mg/L

  • 2003: Lead and copper not reported to EPA.

  • 2004: Lead and copper passed 90th percentile; lead = 0.015 mg/L, copper = 0.71 mg/L.

  • 2006: Action Level Exceedance: Copper exceeded the 90th percentile. lead = 0.008 mg/L and copper = 1.62 mg/L

  • 2009: Action Level Exceedance: Lead exceeded the 90th percentile; lead = 0.056 mg/L and copper = 0.46 mg/L

  • 2010: Lead and copper passed 90th percentile; lead = 0.015 mg/L, copper = 0.14 mg/L.

  • 2013: Town failed to conduct lead and copper testing.

  • 2014: Town received an administrative order from EPA for not testing lead and copper in 2013

  • 2015: Town passed lead and copper testing. 90th percentile; lead = 0.008 mg/L and copper = 0.23 mg/L

  • 2016: Town passed lead and copper testing. 90th percentile; lead = 0.014 mg/L and copper = 0.22 mg/L



Does the Town pay for the water it uses?


Yes, there are meters in every park and at each of the Town's buildings. The Town pays for the water it uses in the parks, buildings, and along the right-of-way strips.


Where's my curb stop and sewer service?


Before or during the purchase of your property, you should ask the prior owner for this information. Look for the curb stop near the street side property line before there is snow on the ground. If the building was constructed after 2006, Engineering and Zoning may have the services indicated on the site plan of the building permit packet. You can also contact Public Works, and they may be able to locate the services for you.


What do I do about lead and copper in my water?


Town of Pinedale water is extremely pure. The lead and copper in your water comes from the type of piping system installed in your home. It is often in older homes that have lead and copper pipes. The lead and/or copper often gets built up after sitting for a while, such as overnight. Let the tap run for 30 seconds to blow-out the build up before drinking or using the water for cooking.


Can I hook to Town water & sewer?


Properties inside the Town boundary can hook to water and sewer. Properties outside the Town boundary in the county can only hook to water and sewer if annexed into the Town, unless there is an existing service agreement. Properties directly abutting the Town boundary are the only parcels eligible for annexation. Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department if you would like to discuss the feasibility of annexation.


What do I do to shut off my water for the winter season?


First, call Town Hall at 367-4136. Leaving your house and turning off the water probably means you need to remove your water meter so it does not freeze, but check with Town Hall to make sure.




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