The Wyoming Water Development Commission and the Town of Pinedale selected Forsgren Associates, from Evanston, Wyoming to perform an update of the Town’s 2007 master plan. The following bullets describe the tasks found in the scope of work for the master plan:
· inventory and evaluate existing infrastructure
· evaluate the existing water supply
· identify if any upgrades to the existing water treatment process are necessary
· update GIS mapping and hydraulic modeling
· update population growth projections and water demand
· evaluate the potential for alternate source supplies and identify the necessary infrastructure required to exercise an alternate supply
· investigate if there are leaks in the water supply
· provide recommendations, cost estimates, and financing alternatives for all improvements and projects identified in the study
Forsgren Associates, along with representatives from the Town and the Water Development Office met on June 9th to discuss data needs and the scope of work, to kick off the study. There will be two public meetings held as the study progresses. The meetings will be strategically timed when there is information to be disseminated and public input is necessary.
The first public meeting will be held on Monday, February 22, 2021 at the Town of Pinedale regular Town Council Meeting at 5 pm in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library, 155 S. Tyler, Pinedale. A digital link will be provided in the published Town Council Agenda. The Agenda will be published on the Town of Pinedale website,
If you have any questions about the study you can contact the Water Development Office’s project manager for the study; Chace Tavelli,, 307-777-8559.