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Trailer and RV Street Parking

Town Of Pinedale

October 9, 2017

The Town of Pinedale would like to remind everyone that the Street Parking Ordinance 440-18 was recently modernized.  Some of the changes made were to accommodate vehicles, trailers, and RVs for extended periods of time during the snow free months.  With winter getting closer and snow to soon be sticking to the ground, the parking on the street will once again be restricted to a 48 hour time period.  This begins on November 16th, continuing through April 30th.

In addition, all vehicles parked on the street and in the front yard of your property must have a current license registration and be in working condition.  If you have any questions regarding the Town Code, please contact Town Hall at 307-367-4136 or refer to the Town code for more information.

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