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Town Council Subdivision Review & Potential Decision at the June 25th Meeting

Town Of Pinedale

The Town Council will be reviewing and potentially making a decision regarding the preliminary plat of the subdivision application submitted by Triple Cord, LLC at the June 25th, 2018 Town Council meeting.  The applicant is requesting a vacation and replat the Jones Addition, Block 2, Lots 6 and 7, as the Jones Addition, Amended Block 2, Lots 16 and 17.  The location is 63 South Madison Avenue.  Lot 6 and 7 are each 0.14 acre and are zoned commercial (C-1). The proposed lots 16 and 17 are each 0.14 acre and will remain as C-1 zoning.  The subdivision was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning commission at a Public Hearing on June 4th.  The P&Z Commission recommended that the Town Council proceed with the subdivision application as presented and that the notes from the meeting regarding the utilities be provided to the Council.

The Town Council meeting will be taking place on Monday, June 25th at 6:00 PM, at the Sublette County Library Lovatt Room, 155 South Tyler Avenue, WY.  Please contact Hayley Ruland, Town of Director of Engineering and Zoning, at 307-367-4136 with any questions.

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