Sublette County School District #1 (SCSD 1) recently announced that it was expanding its free meals program to include all students in our school district. Today SCSD 1 is announcing that it will further expand its free meal program to include any youth living in our school district, 18 years of age and under.
This service will be available beginning April 8th and the district is working on a plan to expand the delivery of meals to areas outside of Pinedale. More information will follow on distribution locations and times outside of Pinedale as it becomes available.
To join the program, please fill out the application on the district website, or by accessing the link below.
Families may also fill out a paper application at Pinedale Middle School during our current meal distribution times of 7:45 am – 9:00 am and 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm.
All applications are confidential and will be protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
SCSD 1 would like to encourage ALL families to participate in this program. While we know that the need for each family is different, we also view this as a way to support our community on a larger scale.
This program might not be a necessity for some families, however, the money saved by utilizing the program could be reinvested elsewhere in our community for businesses who may desperately need it.
SCSD 1 is committed to being a good community partner during these challenging times. We hope you will consider joining us in this effort by making use of this program.
Jay Harnack,