Notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale is soliciting proposals for a Macro Cell Tower Project Design Build contract located in Pinedale, Wyoming. Request for Qualifications packages may be obtained at Town Hall or by email. Proposals will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Pinedale, located at 69 Pinedale South Road; Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 until Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 12 p.m. MST.
Proposals shall be delivered according to the Request for Qualifications. For more information, please call Town Hall at 307-367-4136 or email If selected as a top qualifying firm, applicants will be asked to provide a fixed scope proposal to the Town of Pinedale for final selection.
The Town of Pinedale reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive all informalities, and may accept any proposal which in its opinion best serves its interests.
Published in the Pinedale Roundup April 14 and April 21, 2023.