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Public Notice – Liquor Licenses

Town Of Pinedale

1/15/2019 – LEGAL NOTICE

Notice is hereby given that the applicants whose names are set forth below filed renewal applications for the period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, each for a Retail Liquor License in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pinedale in Pinedale, Wyoming.  The date of filing, the names of said applicants, and the street addresses which the applicants desire to use as the place of sale are set forth below as follows:

Date of Filing                     Applicant                                                                                              Address

October 17, 2018                Ridley’s Family Markets                                                                          341 East Pine

January  01, 2019                Patriot Enterprises, LLC dba Country Lane Liquors                      1190 West Pine

December 23, 2018             Bozner, Inc. dba Corral Bar                                                                  30 West Pine

November 07, 2018            Cowboy Bar of Pinedale Inc.                                                                 104 West Pine

December 10, 2018             TMK Holding Company, Inc.                                                               1088 West Pine

Notice is further given that the following applicants filed renewal applications for the period of April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, each for a Limited Retail Liquor License, in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pinedale, Pinedale, Wyoming.  The date of filing, the names of said applicants and the street address which the applicants desire to use as the place of sale are set forth below as follows:

Date of Filing                     Applicant                                                                                              Address

November 13, 2018               VFW #4801                                                                                                1033 West Pine

Notice is further given that the following applicants filed renewal applications for the period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020 for a Microbrewery Liquor License in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pinedale, Pinedale, Wyoming.  The date of filing, the names of said applicants and the street address which the applicants desire to use as the place of sale are set forth below as follows:

Date of Filing                     Applicant                                                                                              Address

December 05, 2018             WNU Holdings Corp., dba Wind River Brewing                               402 West Pine

Notice is further given that the following applicants filed renewal applications for the period of April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, each for a Restaurant Liquor License in the Office of Town Clerk of Pinedale, Pinedale, Wyoming.  The date of filing, the names of said applicants and the street address which the applicants desire to use as the place of sale are set forth below as follows:

Date of Filing                     Applicant                                                                                              Address

January 02, 2019                 Old Stones Smokehouse & Country Pizza                                          4 Country Club Lane

January 08, 2019                 G B & S, Inc. dba The Patio Grill                                                         35 West Pine

November 30, 2018            Tita Guerroro L Inc. dba Los Cabos Mexican Restaurant             120 West Pine

January 08, 2019                 Gudino’s Inc. dba Wrangler Café                                                       905 West Pine

December 04, 2018            China Gourmet, Inc.                                                                               44 West Pine

December 05, 2018             WNU Holdings Corp., dba Wind River Brewing                            402 West Pine

Notice is further given that the following applicants filed renewal applications for the period of April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, each for a Bar & Grill Liquor License in the Office of Town Clerk of Pinedale, Pinedale, Wyoming.  The date of filing, the names of said applicants and the street address which the applicants desire to use as the place of sale are set forth below as follows:

Date of Filing        Applicant                                                                                          Address

Protests, if any there be any against the issuance of each and every license will be heard at the hour of 6 P.M. on the 11th day of February, 2019 in the Sublette County Commissioner’s Room, 21 S. Tyler, Pinedale, Wyoming.

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