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Preparing for Winter

Town Of Pinedale

October 23, 2017

If you have not done the preparations to winterize your home, the time is now.

If your meter will not be used because you are out of town, or are no longer irrigating, it should be removed.  Unprotected meters can and do freeze.  If you think you would benefit from removing the unutilized meter, we recommend calling a professional plumber or contractor to safely remove it and drain it ensuring the wiring stays intact. Then, just reinstall your safely stored meter when you return.

When it gets colder, to prevent frozen pipes, remember to leave a “bleeder” line with water running slowly in a sink somewhere.

Besides water issues, winter can bring a lot more hazards with it.  Consider having your chimneys expertly cleaned and inspected, make sure you have good all weather tires on your vehicles, check wiper blades to be sure they are in good working order, and consider having emergency supplies both in your vehicle and at home.

As a matter of routine maintenance, check your smoke detectors to make sure they are in good working order.  If you need a new detector, the Sublette County Unified Fire(SCUF) can help.  Please contact SCUF at (307) 367-4550.

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