The East GA Apron project is anticipated to begin mid-June and last 80
working days, with an estimated completion date of October 1, 2021. This project involves the construction of a new apron between taxiways Bravo and Charlie for larger aircraft and has been awarded to HK Contractors, Inc. Starting July 4 and for the duration of this project, no self-serve fueling capabilities will be available. The old fueling station will be removed and a new self-service avgas station will be installed near the current location. Jet fuel will be available from Emblem Aviation's fuel truck during this time. This project is being paid for with an FAA grant.
Runway rehabilitation is estimated to start after July 4. HK Contractors, Inc. has been awarded the contract for this work which should take 50 working days, with an estimated completion in mid-September. The airport will be closed to all aircraft operations except for helicopters during this time. After paving is completed, the runway will be opened back up for daytime use but will be closed at night to complete runway grooving for an estimated 2 weeks. Tenants will be able to access their hangars during construction. This project is also being paid for with an FAA grant.
Crack sealing will start May 17. All taxiways, aprons and the parking lot will have cracks sealed before the pavement is sealed. This project is estimated to last for three working days and is being paid through a WYDOT grant. All vehicles must be removed from the parking lot or they will be towed.
Pavement sealing and remarking will happen after the crack sealing project is
completed. As with the crack sealing, we hope to complete this project during the
runway shutdown. It will take about 5 days to complete. All vehicles will be required to be removed from the parking lot or they will be towed. This project is also being funded through a WYDOT grant.
During the airport closure, Emblem Aviation will be operating out of the Big Piney Airport for limited hours.
An online video conference to update all airport tenants and interested parties will be held on Thursday, May 20 at 5 p.m. Access can be obtained by using the link or by calling the phone number below.
Online access:
Phone access: 1-347-943-9833 / PIN: 984 902 263#
The Airport Board has updated the airport minimum standards. This
document provides guidance for commercial operations at the airport. A copy for
review is available at
A new document titled Pinedale Airport Rules and Regulations is being
formulated. These rules are in addition to the lot lease documents already in
place and will include parking, motor vehicle operations, and what activities are allowed on airport property. When finalized, this document will be posted at
A new flying club has organized at the Pinedale Airport. Wind River Flyers was
formed over the last year and is now operational with a Cessna 182. Membership is limited to 12 persons with one membership slot open. Contact John Douglas
at 307-413-7888 for details.
Pinedale Airport Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 4:30 p.m. and are typically held in the airport conference room. You can participate in the meetings by conference call and view meeting agendas on the Town of Pinedale website. You can also send me a request at the email address below and I will send you the agenda when it is developed. The public and all interested parties are welcome to attend.
Two airport board member terms are expiring soon. If you are interested in being considered for either of these positions, please send a letter of interest to Maureen Rudnick, Town Clerk, at or by mail to PO Box 709, Pinedale, WY 82941.
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to
contact me at (307) 360-9025 or by email at