Pursuant to W.S. § 16-6-116, notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale has accepted the work on Ralph Wenz Field-Expand E GA Apron Project, State No. APNA013B, as substantially completed according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Contract, and that Avail Valley Construction – WY, LLC is entitled to final settlement therefore.
Upon the 41st day, November 11, 2021, after the first publication of this notice, the Town of Pinedale, under whose direction of supervision the work has been carried out, will pay to Avail Valley Construction – WY, LLC the full amount due under the Contract. All persons, firms, or corporations who have any claims for work done or materials furnished on said public work are hereby notified that final payment will be made to Avail Valley Construction – WY, LLC in accordance with the terms of the Contract dated June 28, 2021.
This section does not relieve Avail Valley Construction – WY, LLC and sureties on the bond from any claims of work or labor done or materials or supplies furnished in execution of the Contract.
Published in the Pinedale Roundup: October 1, 2021
October 8, 2021