In October of 2016, the Town Council of Pinedale adopted Ordinance 122-50. This new portion of the Town Code prohibits the feeding of certain wildlife within Town Limits unless the person is specifically authorized by an agency of the State of Wyoming, or the federal government. The wildlife listed in the ordinance are antelope, deer, and moose. Despite the best intentions, feeding these animals does not benefit them. Due to highly specialized digestive systems and specific foraging diets, wildlife are unable to digest the food and can actually have worse body condition than an animal that has been foraging without human interaction. Also, wildlife congregating at a feed site can cause increased traffic collisions, increased predation, prevalence of disease, and come to constitute a nuisance to neighbors and other citizens. If you would like more information on the wildlife in our area please visit the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s website at
Feeding Wildlife
Town Of Pinedale