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Election Notice - 04/15/2020

Town Of Pinedale

At this time, the Municipal Election will still take place Tuesday, May 5 in the Wrangler Gym commons area. There has been much discussion regarding postponing the election due to COVID-19 but at this time, the state has indicated that this is not an option. Mayor Murdock is appealing this decision in an effort to ensure all of our citizens are safe as they exercise their right to vote.

Residents are highly encouraged to vote via absentee ballot. In order to facilitate the availability of absentee ballots the Town Clerk will take phone, email, and in person requests for absentee ballots.

Though you may not enter the building, you may stop by Town Hall at 69 Pinedale South Road to pick up your request form. If you are currently registered to vote, you may complete it on site, submit it, and receive your absentee ballot. This service will be open 7 days per week from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. until May 05, 2020.

If you wish to receive the form via email, please send your request to .

You may also call us at 307-367-4136 to request a form be mailed to you.

The absentee ballot request form is available on the town website at .

Voters will be electing two 4-year Council positions and one 2-year Council position.

Remember, only registered voters of the Town of Pinedale (that is residing inside the Town limits) may vote in this election. On election day, the polls will open at the Wrangler Gym at 8 a.m. and remain open until 7 p.m.

W.S. 22-3-102 provides that a person may register to vote not less than fourteen (14) days before an election, at any election specified in W.S. 22-2-101 (a)(i) through (viii) or as provided by W.S. 22-3-117, who satisfies certain qualifications. To vote in the Pinedale Municipal Election on May 5, 2020, a person must be registered to vote or register to vote on or before April 21, 2020 (the last day available to meet the 14 day requirement), wait to register to vote on the day of the election, or otherwise register to vote in compliance with W.S. 22-3-117 (absentee registration, generally). A person registering to vote after April 21, 2020 and before the day of the election will not be qualified to vote unless they otherwise qualify under W.S. 22-3-117.

Absentee voting ballots must be received at 69 Pinedale South Road by 5 p.m. on May 5, 2020.

If the election is postponed, your absentee ballot will remain locked in the ballot box until election day. You will not be required to vote again.

As citizens it is not only our right, but our privilege to have the opportunity to vote. The Town Council and Town staff are committed to ensuring all Pinedale citizens have a safe opportunity to participate in this election.

Please vote--your opinion matters!

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