September 16, 2021
TO: All Airport Tenants, Users, and Interested Parties
Subject: Airport Newsletter #9
From: Grover Laseke, Airport Manager
Below is an update on Pinedale Airport projects.
The new reopening date of the runway is September 30th. The contractor has been experiencing problems with equipment breakdowns and getting test strips to pass FAA testing standards. Currently they have laid down almost three strips of asphalt and are hoping to be done later next week unless the upcoming weather forecast causes a couple day delay due to low temperatures early in the week.
The new apron project is coming along and HK expects to pave it after finishing the runway starting around the first part of October.
The runway, taxiway and ODAL lighting is back in operation.
The fly-in scheduled for October 2nd has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 9th.
For those who wish to receive email updates on airport projects and other information, send a request to
Watch for changes and updates at the Town of Pinedale website:
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (307) 360-9025 or by email at