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Airport Newsletter #5

Town Of Pinedale

July 12, 2021

TO: All Airport Tenants, Users and Interested Parties

Subject: Airport Newsletter #5

From: Grover Laseke, Airport Manager


Below is updated information on Pinedale Airport projects.

• The old fuel farm has been de-commissioned and is no longer in operation. No self-serve fuel is available but Emblem Aviation has a small fuel truck and can provide avgas during normal business hours: Mon-Friday 8 to 6 and weekends from 9 to 5. Call them at 307-367-2290 for further information.

• Pavement sealing and remarking is scheduled for Monday July 19th. The runway will not be closed during this time although access to all taxiways may be limited and taxi back on the runway may be required at times.

All vehicles are required to be removed from the parking lot or they will be towed.

Watch for changes and updates at the Town of Pinedale website:

Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (307) 360-9025 or by email at


Grover B. Laseke, Airport Manager

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